Identity and Address Verification

Key Challenges

  • Fully complying with Identity and Address verification process prescribed by the regulator, for each of the jurisdictions of your operations.
  • Using public data governed under the privacy laws that differ across jurisdictions and regions of the world, while still being able to carry out Identity and Address verifications.
  • Ensuring robustness of Identity and Address verifications under constantly changing regulations.
  • Conducting Identity and Address verifications of the individuals that fall outside the credit systems.

Get a FREE Guide to help you navigate through regulatory guidelines on Identity and Address verification processes to be followed.

KYCsphere Solution

A fine balance between your customer convenience, their data privacy and regulatory demands needs to be arrived at, while implementing Customer Identification Program and Know Your Customer initiatives. Within these boundaries suitable solution needs to be implemented, to ensure that it firstly meets the privacy laws and importantly the adopted methodology is not rejected at the time of your firm’s regulatory scrutiny.

KYCsphere’s Identity and Address Verification tool offers you a unique automated process that ensures frictionless customer onboarding, while fully complying with regulatory guidelines of jurisdictions of your operations. This process rests on the foundation of normalized and indexed identity data that is sourced from multiple sources in each of the country, which is validated and cleaned, by our vendor partners for the purpose of efficient identity and address checks.

KYCsphere tool therefore allows you to verify identity, address, and other demographic attributes of new customers in a fast and flexible manner. The tool further continues to manage identity fraud and compliance processes throughout your customer’s lifecycle, while meeting all the identity verification challenges as described above.

This feature-rich tool can give your institution market agility and regulatory flexibility without any capital expenditure and with the least of IT intervention.

See KYCsphere Identity and Address Verification tool in action.

Key Benefits

  • Carry out instant verification-based account opening and subsequent risk-based documentary proof validation for higher risk customers.
  • Strike a perfect balance between the process dictated by regulatory compliance requirements, privacy laws and customer convenience for a faster customer onboarding.
  • Ensure through a two-stage customized ID and Address verification process that genuine customers who are yet to be included in commercially available databases, are still inducted through the second stage KYCsphere verification process.
  • Receive the extent of match results for name, address, age, phone number, driver license and national ID number, from a single or multiple data sources that are accurate, frequently updated from trusted entities such as government bureaus, independent, reliable and compliant with consumer privacy laws.

Ask our Identity and Address Verification Expert to get in touch with you.